Preparing for Birth

Surrogacy pregnancy is still a pregnancy and requires preparation for the delivery, the same as any other birth. When I prepared for my surrogacy birth, I did leave one major thing off the list. I didn’t pack a diaper bag and the cute outfit you bring to bring the babies home in! I won’t lie, at first it felt very odd, but it was also a very nice feeling. By the end, I was extremely pregnant with twins, and getting through every day was hard. I was ready for the babies to get out. I did the normal mom things—got child care lined up for my kids and got my personal bag packed for the hospital—all the basic stuff that we all know to do. No one ever thinks about the emotional side of preparing for a surrogacy birth compared to a keeper birth. 

 I was, of course, emotionally and physically involved with every step. I prepared my body with countless needles and medication for the embryos. I took the at home and blood pregnancy tests to confirm I was pregnant. I was there to confirm the two littlest heart beats. Then, every appointment we had an ultrasound to check on the two little humans growing inside of my body. So, what would happen when they were born? As a surrogate, you know going in the babies are not yours, and through the whole process, you remind yourself of that. I promise I never once had any thought of keeping the babies or fleeing the country, but this was my first time, and the only children I had birthed before I got to keep and take home and love on. How was I going to feel when I delivered these babies and they were not going home with me? They spent nine months growing inside me and they were not going to be with me anymore. I was truly worried about my emotions after the babies were born. 

The day had come; at 3am in the morning I woke my husband up and called my child care and we went to the hospital where my intended parents met us to welcome two healthy babies into the world. I CRIED! I cried because I saw the tears of joy in my intended parents’ eyes and from that moment forward I never felt like I was giving these babies up at all. They were theirs from the start and will always be theirs. I always tell people that they feel like a very close friend’s babies. 

Preparing for birth has many parts to it, and the emotional side is often forgotten about. Colorado Surrogacy was with me from the start, and it’s still not over, as it never will be, because the journey will always be part of my life.  The Colorado Surrogacy staff still checks up on me from time to time and sends me gifts to make me feel that I am special. They offered so much support during and after pregnancy.

Interested in information about becoming a surrogate, too?