Callie: Looking Back - Match Meeting And Making It To Transfer

The most nervous I felt during my whole surrogacy journey was the day I met my Intended Parents! This meeting was just the start to something that I was hoping would be one of the greatest things I did in my life (spoiler alert, it was!). Colorado Surrogacy arranged a meeting between both my intended parents and me for lunch and led the match meeting where we just talked about ourselves. I felt like I was on the spot; I was just hoping they were just going to like me! I was hopefully going to be the one to help them with their long journey of completing their family.

Guess what? They did like me and I liked them, too. So after the match meeting, we both agreed to move forward. The next step was my one day work up with my intended parent’s fertility clinic. The one day work up consisted of many test to make sure my body was ready to have a baby and to safely transfer my intended parent’s embryos [I didn’t think any of them hurt; a pinch, poke and prod, maybe, but not pain for me!]. Next we moved to legal. We both had our own lawyers who represented us and made up a contract to lay out most everything that could happen and what would happen in those situation. Once we all understood it and were happy with the terms we both signed it and had it notarized.

After my all that important stuff I moved on to the part that I thought was the scariest. The SHOTS! I had researched everything I could about making shots hurt less. I was terrified of needles and was going to do everything I could to make it less painful. I ordered numbing cream and watched painful Youtube videos. When it came down to giving myself a shot every morning and night, it was my head that was the problem more than anything. Once I did those first few shots myself, I felt like a pro and it just became part of my daily routine. Looking back at it now, it was something so simple and small to this amazing journey of surrogacy.  

After a week or two of medication, hormones and nightly needle pokes, transfer day had come. My intended parents, my husband and I went back into a nice room that looked just like a normal doctor’s office and they transferred two tiny embryos to me. Ten days later, I had two blood test to see if I was pregnant. Fast forward to 37 weeks later and two health little babies were born. 

There are so many steps to giving the greatest gift of life, but Colorado Surrogacy was there for every second and still keep in touch with me about my life-changing journey to become a surrogate

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